1 | 公務人員退休撫卹基金管理委員會 | Management Board of Public Service Pension Fund | 112-04-30 |
2 | 消費者物價指數 | Consumer Price Index(CPI) | 105-06-30 |
3 | 國民生產毛額 | Gross National Product(GNP) | 105-06-30 |
4 | 美國國內稅法 | Internal Revenue Code, USA(IRC) | 105-06-30 |
5 | 美國國稅局 | Internal Revenue Service, USA(IRS) | 105-06-30 |
6 | 指定用途貸款 | loan with designated usage | 105-06-30 |
7 | 國庫撥補 | funding by the treasury | 105-06-30 |
8 | 資產配置 | asset allocation | 105-06-30 |
9 | 投資組合效果 | portfolio effect | 105-06-30 |
10 | 委託代收之金融機構 | the designated collecting banks of the fund | 105-06-30 |
11 | 指標投資組合 | benchmark portfolio | 105-06-30 |
12 | 多角化 | diversification | 105-06-30 |
13 | 投資限制 | investment constraint | 105-06-30 |
14 | 收入 | revenue | 105-06-30 |
15 | 投資政策 | investment policy | 105-06-30 |
16 | 基金運用方針 | Investment Guideline | 105-06-30 |
17 | 庫存總額 | total amount | 105-06-30 |
18 | 超額報酬 | excess return | 105-06-30 |
19 | 詹森指標 | Jensen Index | 105-06-30 |
20 | 夏普指標 | Sharpe Index | 105-06-30 |